Dr. Arrojah Y. Adade-Boafo, DBA
(Executive Director)

Dr. Bridgid S. Wiredu, DNP
(Board of Director)

Dr. Angela Wiredu, DSS
(Board of Director)
About Us
The African Catholic Channel Corporation is a US based religious organization with the goal of teaching the Catholic faith worldwide through the lens of the African experience. We call this experience the MOST BEAUTIFUL LITURGY. We believe that the beauty of the Truth is exhibited in the African liturgy.
The African Catholic Channel Corporation features beautiful quality videos, short films, and docu-series of Catholic devotions and news from across the continent; with the ultimate goal of educating the world about the salvation through the eyes of the Catholic Church. In addition, our goal is to fulfill the spiritual life of Catholics all over the world. We love our non-Catholic Christians, and we hope that through our missions, all Christians will better understand the Church founded by Jesus and the faith handed down by the Apostles.
We encourage all Christians to explore our many faith-based videos, prayers, and teachings that help explain the Catholic faith to all Christians. Our program includes the following:
· Mass Under a Tree
· Vernacular Rosary
· Our Lady of Africa
· Catholic Choirs from across Africa
· Saints of Africa
· Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
· Vocations – the Africa Story
· Camino de Santiago – An African Experience
· Africa Conversion Stories
· African’s in the Holy Land
· And many, many more ……
In the future, we will planning trips to Holy sites around the world. We will offer all-inclusive packages. These all-inclusive packags help pilgrims focus on the spiritual experience.
Destinations will include:
· The holy land – Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Palestine, Jordan
· Camino de Santiago
· Lourdes
· The Vatican, Rome
· Rome, Holy Cathedrals
· Fatima Portugal